
World Cup – F1ABCQ Kietrz (Poland) 2024 – info & registration

Info and registration World Cups March 2024 – Poland

Download as pdf: Pobierz PDF

If you do not come, write an e-mail to organizer (or give know in comment), for removal from the list.


12 komentarzy+ Dodaj Komentarz

  • On which field will the competition take place? Can you draw a diagram of how to get to the venue of the starts.
    Na jakim polu odbędą się zawody? Czy możesz narysować schemat dotarcia na miejsce zawodów?

  • The coordinates of the field are stated in the invitation.

  • Anyway some plan would be good. Looks start is in different place than 2 years ago

  • Dzień dobry

    W sobotę, w zawodach SPZG Cup, Antoon van Eldik Memorial nie wystartuję.
    Mój start w niedzielę jeszcze pod znakiem zapytania.

    F1A open

  • Hello
    Unfortunately I can’t come to the competitions for private reasons.
    Wish you good luck anyway.

    Peter Windisch

  • Anyway some plan would be good. By coordinates it look it Is on different place than 2 years ago.

  • Do you have a photo of today’s results?

  • What are your plans for tomorrow?
    When do I need to be on the field?
    What time will the fly-offs start?

  • What are your plans for tomorrow?
    When do I need to be on the field?
    What time will the fly-offs start?

  • It is a pity that there is no information about the results. nor is there any information about tomorrow’s events. I would like the organizers to be more informative.

    • FO start at 7:30 o clock. 1 round after end od fly off.

    • Check in will be about 7:15 am. Expected time of start fly offs is ~ 7:30am.

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