
World Cup F1ABCQ – PolandCup & CrosnoCup – Podlodów 2022 – info & registration

Information and registration for World Cups 23-24 April 2022 – Podlodów, Poland

Please do not drive into the field with cars! Only on a paved / asphalt road.

Date:                         April 23-24, 2022
Place:                       Airstrip Podlodów, Poland
GPS:                         A: 51.629200, 22.187160, B: 51.624882, 22.200981
Classification:           F1A,B,C,Q – World Cup, F1A Standard open

Rules for the competition
FAI Sporting Code: Section 4, Volume ABR by Volume CGR 2022 & Volume F1, Edition January 2022. All competitors are requested to hold a valid FAI License 2022, entered to the FAI database.
Timekeeping: The organizer provide timekeepers, but there may not be enough for all starting poles – then fliers help and timekeeping for other competitors, according to FAI Sporting Code, Volume F1, rule F1.1.2-a & F1.2.1-b.

All participants are to abide by the WADA anti-doping rules. If a competitor has to take, for a medical condition, any of the substances listed on the WADA Prohibited List then he must have a Therapeutic Use Exemption from the FAI.

Any protest must be presented in writing form in English and submitted to the Contest Director and must be accompanied by the deposit of 50 EUR, no later then 30 min after the criticized event. The deposit is returned only if the protest is upheld.

Competition program:
Friday – April 22, 2022 – Registration & training
15:00                  – Arrival, training
17:00  –  19:00    Registration of competitors on the flight field.

Saturday – April 23, 2022 – Poland Cup Event
 9:00                   Start od first of five rounds F1A,B,C,Q + F1A Standard
16:00                  Fly offs
17:30                  Closing ceremony (about one hour after the end of flights)

Sunday – April 24, 2022 – Crosno Cup Event
  8:00                  Start od first of five rounds F1A,B,C,Q + F1A Standard
16:00                  Fly offs
17:30                  Closing ceremony (about one hour after the end of flights)

Rounds times and flight durations, may be modified by the jury depending on the weather conditions.
The Fly Offs and closing ceremony start hour can be changed!

Entry registration only via online form, at website:
The deadline: 17th April 2022. Actual list of registered competitors in the same place.

Entry fees (for each day):
F1A, F1B, F1C, F1Q – senior – 30 EUR
F1A, F1B, F1Q – juniors – 20 EUR
The fees will be collected at registration on field. Please have the exact amount.

Contact details:
Michał Słyś,, +48 530 649 395
Mariusz Gąsiorowski,, +48 602 678 142

The organizer does not provide accommodation. Suggested locations of accommodation in nearby cities eg. Przytoczno, Ryki, Dęblin, Kock, Puławy, Nowodwór, Osmolice.
Road to the field is shown on the map below – depending on the wind direction.
Driving on the field with motor vehicles is prohibited, except for specified roads.
Parking cars as on the diagram in pdf.

Download as pdf: Pobierz PDF

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