If you are junior select only junior class eg. F1N junior (you do not need to select also F1N open).

The data provided in the registration form will be processed by the Organizer to create a list of competitors and results after event. Providing the data is voluntary, but necessary for the registration of the competitor.

Current competitors list:

No Name Surname Country Licence FAIID Class
1MarekKalinowskiPOL8129149074F1N open
2TomaszStasiulewiczPOL7680106234F1N open
3PiotrRygułaPOL2204106441F1N open
4SławomirTruchanPOL398070082F1N open
5Bartosz NykPOL4066118183F1N open
6KamilChipczyńskiPOL-53723F1N open
7MichałSzulcPOL-162695F1N open
8JuliaŁubekPOL8128158147F1N junior
9BarbaraDurkalecPOL8041138606F1N junior
10AnetaRichterPOL-8386F1N junior
11JarosławRichterPOL-8385F1N junior
12PiotrStasiulewiczPOL8037138436F1N junior
13WojciechStasiulewiczPOL8367166545F1N junior
14OliwiaSzturgulewskaPOL8270162212F1N junior
15Antoni SzulcPOL-137509F1N junior